Thanks for visiting my website. I'm Bobby Johnson. Hitting a home run is a special milestone for those who are just learning how to play. It is a moment when you realize that you have the potential to play as well as those who are in the big leagues. I've seen the look on the faces of those who have hit a home run for the first time and I can never get enough of it. My love for this moment and for the game of baseball has led to the creation of this blog. You will learn everything I know about improving at the game of baseball and about sports in general.


Baseball Pitching Coach Courses: Using Analytics And Core Training

29 October 2020
Recreation & Sports, Blog

Few things have changed baseball like the influences of data analytics and targeted approaches to core strength routines. Youth baseball pitching coach courses can teach veterans and newcomers alike how to harness the power of core training and data analytics to help ballplayers optimize their potential and passion for the game. Complex Data Made Simple Just a few years ago, the technology needed to gather the data analytics used by professional baseball players was prohibitively expense and complicated for most baseball coaches.
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How To Choose A Kayak Paddle For Speed

14 September 2020
 Categories: Recreation & Sports, Blog

Whether you kayak for leisure or competitively, part of the fun of kayaking is zipping through the water at high speed. Kayaks are made to glide smoothly through the water, but they are powered only by human effort. As long as you have a smooth, lightweight kayak, the most significant improvement you can make to your kayaking experience is the quality of your paddle.  Kayak paddles typically have a blade on either end of a long shaft.
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About Me
Anyone Can Hit A Homerun

Thanks for visiting my website. I'm Bobby Johnson. Hitting a home run is a special milestone for those who are just learning how to play. It is a moment when you realize that you have the potential to play as well as those who are in the big leagues. I've seen the look on the faces of those who have hit a home run for the first time and I can never get enough of it. My love for this moment and for the game of baseball has led to the creation of this blog. You will learn everything I know about improving at the game of baseball and about sports in general.
